Wednesday, July 15, 2015

KGHX Santa Anna, California

Located in Santa Ana, California, Police radio station KGHX commenced operations on March 2, 1934.  

Initially a one-way radio system, the station operated on 2490 kHz with an output of 400 watts and provided communications to patrol cars of the Sheriff’s Office, the California Highway Patrol, all cities in the county and the State Division of Forestry in Orange. 

The letter above, dated September 7, 1934 and signed by Chief Radio Operator Wendell Jones, was sent in response to a frequency check conducted by William Burnett. 

The following letter, dated August 3, 1936 by Chief Radio Operator Walter Whiteman concerned a request for frequency checks twice a month :

The following telex, dated August 7, 1941, requested a frequency check on 5140 Kilocycles :

The frequency checks were addressed to William W.L. Burnett who provided a monitoring service which was recognised by the Federal Communication Commission. He often received requests by various radio stations to check the frequency accuracy of their broadcasts at specific times.

In a job application letter below (dated November 21, 1935) for a position as a radio engineer, William Burnett included the following information about this service : 

" ... I have in the laboratory a complete standard frequency assembly used to monitor all classes of radio communication and this service is also recognised by the Federal Communications Commission for the accuracy of all radio frequency measurements made in the laboratory,  namely an accuracy of better than one part in one million ... "

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